First time

Created by Anne 15 years ago
My mum was first diagnosed with cancer in 2002, i was 14, mhairi was 11 and sarah was 16. She went through months of chemo and a mastectomy and a couple of months after that a reconstruction. During the chemo you could she the change in her, even though being the person she was she tried not to show it, it was pretty hard to hide. Sarah and Mhairi always found it easier to talk to people whetehr it be mum or their friends but not me. No i didn't do talking about how i was feeling, my friends didn't even know that my mum was ill until after she had finished all of her treatment. I actually put more stress on my mum during her treatment, i stopped going to school, not becuase i didn't want to but becuase i didn't want her to be at home on her own. It was a battle most mornings trying to get me to go especially when i wouldn't say why i wasn't going. Depsite any extra stress that she may have faced while going throuhg her treament my mum kicked ass and beat it, thats right all of it gone. Now all she had to do was take tamoxifen once a day for five yeras and she would be laughing